Your pension is a valuable benefit. Please read on to see valuable information on your pension.
Your pension is a valuable benefit. Please read on to see valuable information on your pension.
Your pension is a simple and cost effective way for you to save for your retirement. It is a defined contribution Plan and this means it works a bit like a savings account:
The way you can take your benefits is changing - go to the Retirement section below for more information.
Information about the benefits of joining the Plan, and the investment choices available, can be found in the Plan website.
How to join the Plan
If you're over 22 and under State Pension Age you will be automatically enrolled into the Plan two months after joining the Company.
But you can still join the Plan at any time and you can sign up via the Benefits Hub.
Joining the Plan automatically
To help people save for their retirement, legislation requires all employers to automatically enrol their employees into a workplace pension if they meet certain criteria. This is that they are working in the United Kingdom and are:
Employees meeting this criteria are known as eligible jobholders. Employees who are not eligible jobholders will only be automatically enrolled on request, or if they later become an eligible jobholder.
When will you be automatically enrolled?
All employers have been allocated Staging Dates which is when they must begin automatically enrolling their Eligible Jobholders into a workplace pension.
Once you have been automatically enrolled into the Plan you may opt out but you will lose valuable benefits including a contribution from your Employer.
If you are not an eligible Jobholder
You will not be automatically enrolled into the Plan if you are not an eligible jobholder. You can still join the Plan by completing an Application Form.
You can also ask to be automatically enrolled on by completing an application form.
Important note
If you have applied for, and been granted, Fixed or Enhanced Protection because you have already amassed a large amount of pension savings (around £1.5m or more) you will lose this protection if you are automatically enrolled into the Plan and do not opt out.
To find out more
You can find out more about automatic enrolment on the Plan website
How much will you pay?
Howden Joinery will help build your pension fund by making contributions to your Plan. Further information on your payments to the Plan can be found on the Plan website.
Cost of Contribution Calculator - Only to be used by members or prospective members of the Plan
The minimum age you can take your pension is 55.
If you would like to understand how much you should be saving towards your retirement, you can login to your Account and use a personalised calculator.
Please refer to the Plan website for further information on retirement choices.
New rules from April 2015
The government introduced radical changes to how you can take your benefits.
From 6 April 2015 you can use your retirement account in the following ways:
Help and support
The Government has arranged for all members to have access to free and impartial guidance when they retire to help make informed decisions. The service is available to anyone aged 50 or over and can be accessed by visiting or by phoning 0800 138 3944
We do not provide legal or other services and are entitled to assume that you will rely on other professional advisers for the provision of such advice, including (but not limited to) legal, tax, audit and accounting advice.
As a member of the Plan, you gain access to important benefits for your dependants in the event of your death. These benefits will vary depending on your situation when you die. Further information can be found on the Plan website.
If you leave service or opt out of the Plan whilst still employed by Howden Joinery, the options available to you (and whether you can keep your Account invested in the Plan) will depend on how long you were a member of the Plan. If you opt out of the Plan you will lose valuable benefits including contributions from your employer.
Please refer to the Plan website for more information.
If you leave your Account invested in the Plan, remember to keep the your provider advised of any changes of address so that they can send you statements and contact you when you are due to retire.
If you decide to leave the Plan while still employed by the Company, legislation requires your Employer to automatically enrol you back into the Plan, if you meet certain criteria, at regular intervals (usually every three years). If you still do not wish to use the Plan to save for your retirement, you will need to opt out each time you are automatically enrolled.
You should keep your investment choices under regular review to ensure they continue to meet your needs.